After World War II, global automobile production increased rapidly, tripling between 1945 and 1975 from 10 million to 30 million cars. While Americans produced increasingly larger and opulent cars, post-war Europe had to content itself with developing economic vehicles with medium-sized engines, in Germany, the Volkswagen Beetle, in France, the 4CV, in Italy, the small Fiats and in the United Kingdom, the Mini. Such growth is also explained by the advent of a real consumer society. The automobile ceased to be the privilege of wealthy classes, gradually entering the entire society. From the 1950s onwards, new companies entered car production. Volvo introduced the PV 444 in 1947, the first Swedish sedan with international aspirations. Saab followed suit. The Volkswagen Beetle was produced in Brazil from 1956. General Motors created the Holden brand to conquer the Australian market. Japan, started its first mass-produced models. The oil shocks of the 1970s led to a period of restrictions. With less petrol, motorists responded with technological advances.